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February 2016

Apparently the groundhog saw his shadow, and we’re in for an early spring! THat’s great news for Geo-Marine, as we’ve got some great projects already started and some more proverbial seeds about to sprout! Here’s what’s going on at GMT:

  • Stephen Dodd is back on the Indian Ocean, assisting in the search for the missing MH370 airliner.
  • Beau Pallister and Joshua Phillips are ready and waiting to go on a cable route survey in the Bahamas.
  • John “El Presidente” Rietman will be heading to Spain to lend a head to a route survey for a cable connecting Africa and Europe via the Mediterranean.
  • The rest of the GMT team is working hard on a marine survey report for several cable routes in the eastern Meditteranean. We’ll deliver the preliminary report on schedule near the end of this month.
  • We’re recieving good returns on some other pings we have out in the applied marine geoscience industry’s waters!