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Summer 2011

  • A development for BP – Geo-Marine Technology worked on several sites offshore of Trinidad in the Caribbean Sea investigating potential gas hazards, including the Juniper Project.  We also developed an interpretation for a pipeline corridor on the same project.
  • Fugro GeoConsulting, Inc. – Study and report using a marine magnetometer to determine location and depth of burial of a Chevron pipeline damaged by mudflows after a Hurricane on the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Fugro Atlantic – Magnetometer and side scan sonar interpretation and reporting for a segment of the Platte River,Nebraska USA
  • Fugro Panama – Geotechnical and geophysics comparison for the Minera Panama project.Central America
  • SEA Diversified, Inc.– Determine thickness of sand overlying reef limestone; coastal Florida USA
  • Fugro GeoConsulting,Inc. – Determine, using Magnetometer,  depth of pipeline buried in hurricane-generated slump deposit off South Pass, Louisina USA